17 October - 2 November 2017
MEGA, Milano

In December 2016 MEGA invites casatibuonsante architects, Parasite 2.0, Raumplan and Supervoid to collaborate in developing an exhibition project. The four offices are asked to work on a shared project, which could synthesize a plural prospective by realizing an unusual object: something related to architecture, but without using the classical ways through which architecture represents itself.

After several meetings and discussions, the four groups weren’t able to find a point of understanding, and highlighted the insurmountable incompatibility of their theoretical positions and references. Thus we decided to represent the stages of our failure in a publication about conflict. The book reports the emails with discussions, drafts and some images proposed as references by each group.

Quattroperzero is the photograph of a missing architecture. It registers a theoretical, ethical and aesthetic fragmentation that has proven to be unsurpassable, even for people from the same generation, working in the same field and in a similar context.
A contribution by Raumplan, Casatibuonsante Architects, Supervoid and Parasite 2.0 for MEGA